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  Screamin' Demons Over Europe

Screamin' Demons Over Europe

Screamin' Demons Over Europe

For more information about the game go to the Parsoft Inc. Site

Fighter Squadron: The Screamin' Demons Over Europe

Parsoft introduces the next generation of 3D computer simulation with an incredible new game featuring stunning 3D graphics and a mega-realistic physics engine. Fighter Squadron: The Screamin' Demons over Europe delivers the terror, excitement, and uncut gritty realism of WWII air combat. Players fly combat missions as American, British or German pilots in conflicts raging over the English Channel, the German Rhineland, and the harsh deserts of North Africa

Features of the new graphics engine include high-resolution texture mapping, Gouraud shading, and other dynamic effects to accentuate the furious combat action. Fighter Squadron directly supports a wide range of 3D cards to deliver tremendous visual detail. Z-buffering, bi-linear filtering, alpha-blending, per-pixel fog and other features of the new 3D hardware are also emulated in software for unparalleled performance on unaccelerated systems.

The new game engine is based on high-precision floating-point mathematics to deliver realistic flight dynamics and convincing mechanical behavior and interactions. The game universe is controlled by a sophisticated artificial intelligence to create a living world teeming with hostility and unpredictability - even after repeated play. Bullets and shrapnel shred your wings, and AAA transforms you into a smoking pile of twisted scrap metal.

The European and African territories are superbly modeled to enhance gaming action. Gamers may select to be a fighter or bomber pilot, navigator or tailgunner, in 30 unique missions. Players can create and customize their own missions with the included mission editor, and generate unlimited combat scenarios.

All cockpit layouts and instrument panels precisely replicate the original aircraft.

The game is due to be released in the Fall of 1997.

1997 ParSoft Interactive, Inc.

The nine different aircraft modeled in Fighter Squadron are...
United States B-17G P-38J P-51D
United Kingdom Mosquito Mk VI Typhoon Mk IB Lancaster Mk II
Germany Fw-190D Me-262 Ju-188A

Last updated 01/25/98